Tired of being tired?

Five Simple Things (February 9)


Here are five things this week.

1. This mask.

I was never a hair mask kind of person until this moisture mask from Dae -Monsoon Moisture Mask. Now I am obsessed. It is hydrating and works so well. I use it once or twice a week, depending on how dry my hair is from week to week, and I especially like to use it once we get out of the ocean from surfing. I leave it in longer than it suggests and I have absolutely no regrets.

2. This box.

Kiwi Eco Box is one of my favorite things to see come in the mail once a month. This month's box was a hit, as always. My favorite thing in this month's box is the sugar exfoliating cubes by Latika, but I love the cork coasters, as well.

3. These signs.

These road signs from Brownsville, Oregon, we found at a local antique store this week. We have been to several antique stores looking for local vintage things and we were happy to find these. We didn't buy any of them, but we are on the right track in finding some cool things from years ago.

4. This kitty.

Eleven had slipped out into the garage the night before on Wednesday, and I didn't see that she was in there until around 5:00 a.m. the following morning when I went to work out in our home gym. She was happy to see me and I cuddled her a lot. She was dumped out on the streets as a kitten, so anything we can do to help her feel protected from her past, we do it. I hate that she had to spend the night out in the garage, but at least it's heated and she wasn't in the cold night outside.

5. These cards.

It's fun to see that Pokémon cards are still popular. I love that kids, and even adults are into Pokémon. Hopefully, it sticks around for a long time. It's a nice distraction from all of the nonsense in the real world right now.

One last thing:

I stubbled across this post this week when I was doing some research. It caught my attention because it was simple, yet seemed like an important thing to remember. To be completely honest, we tried it out and it works better on tile than carpet. Here is a paragraph from the actual post.
Whenever you travel, pack a rubber door stop and bit of bubble wrap — Nick told me he brought a chunk that was the same size as his suitcase. Both items are cheap and very light and won’t add much weight or take up much space in your luggage.

Then when you turn in for the night, put the stopper under the door, your bubble wrap on the floor in front of it, and rest a little more peacefully. Note that I said this was “foolproof” (because even a fool can do it!) and not burglar-proof. This isn’t going to stop anyone, of course, if they really want to get in; rubber wedges can be fairly effective in blocking the door, but the effectiveness depends on the kind of stopper used (some are made especially for security), the type of flooring it’s placed on (it’ll get much better traction on tile than carpet), and the strength of the intruder. But, it does add an element of surprise to someone’s entrance which may very well stop him in his tracks and even turn him away.

Positive affirmations this week:

Have a nice weekend.

Five Simple Things (February 2)


Here are five things this week.

1. This ruler.

Command me, Lord! (Vigo the Carpathian hangs in our dining room to rule over the meal)

2. This view.

Sunsets here on the west coast are incredible!

3. This cup.

My new protein shake/green smoothie cup. I needed a new one other than a Ball jar. It's made from recycled plastic, so there's a little less guilt using plastic.

4. This day.

We are so happy to see the sun trying its best to peak through the clouds. I love the snow, but not when it's paired with ice. We are happy to see the blue skies coming around.

5. This city.

We spent the day in Portland running some errands around the city. On our way back we stopped at Whole Foods. We like to grab lunch there from time to time, and this is one of our favorite locations.

One last thing:

A cool find at a local antique store. How I miss books from libraries having the check-out cards.

Positive affirmations this week:

Have a nice weekend.

Five Simple Things (January 26)


Here are five things this week.

1. This kitty.

Pretty kitty, always.♥

2. This sign.

Being kind to others is a choice. But so is hate. Make the right choice.

3. This shadow.

I have insomnia a lot lately and the shadows on the wall help me fall asleep. Having mental health issues, there are some nights that are impossible to get ahead of. It's nothing to be afraid of, but it does keep those of us who suffer up at nights from time to time.

4. These patches.

I was really hoping these would be something I would love. Unfortunately, they were great for heat, but the application of them is annoying. You have to stick them on your clothes rather than you body and that allows them to shift around at night and move away from the areas that are needing the heat. If that is something you can get past then these are great for you. You can get a pack of eight here.

5. This rainbow.

The best part about all of the rain that the Willamette Valley receives is when the rainbows peak through the cloud cover.

One last thing:

When I see signs like this, I definitely take advantage of the horror sale. If you don't still own a DVD player, you're missing out. This is the one we own and I love horror movies, so it's seen a lot coming through its door.

Positive affirmations this week:

Have a nice weekend.

Five Simple Things (January 19)


Here are five things this week.

1. This "watcher."

She's keeping a neighbor hood watch look out for us all.

2. This candling.

We aren't sure how we feel about ear candling, but it was a cool experience.

3. This view.

Snow and ice everywhere this week.

4. These boxes.

A lot of great packages came this week and I loved everything that came. First was Kiwi Eco Box, and my favorite item in this box this month is the tea strainer. I'm always making large amounts of tea and drink on it all day, so this will definitely be used. The second was Kinder Beauty and my favorite thing in this box is the PURE'AM - Korean Toner. I'm a super fan of PURE'AM Amino Acid Facial Cleanser, so of course I love the toner. It's is great for dry skin and contains hyaluronic acid and works well with my sensitive skin. Third was a product that was sent to me to try for free. It is the L'Oréal Excellence Creme hair color in Naural Soft Black. Although, I don't use box color, I gave this a try. I had my hair stylist help me get that perfect shade. We only used a touch on my roots, but it definitely did the job. It wasn't drying, and my hair has a fresh root touch-up. If you are a box-color users, I do recommend this brand. (This product was sent to me for free from L'Oréal for testing purposes. All views and testing results are my own). Lastly, Mighty Nest Mighty Fix came this week. I love this subscription and I look forward to it each month. This month was the 

5. This doggy.

Always the good boy sticking by my side when I'm working, sick, hurting, or when I'm needing comfort.♥

One last thing:

A new leaf on the cat palm made an appearance this week. It was also visited by some cute bugs that seemed like they were having a meeting on top of the new leaf. Skylar and I caught them and helped them outside. Best of luck to you, little bugs, and thanks for attending the coming out party for the new leaf.

Positive affirmations this week:

Be sure to always protect your peace, and most importantly, take care of yourself.

You can do this!🌈

Have a nice weekend.