Tired of being tired?

Five Simple Things (July 21)


Here are five things this week.

1. This swimming.

This week's temperatures were mild, well tolerable, but we decided to take a quick dip at McDowell Creek Falls. There's a trail system that runs through the entire area, but along the way there are different sized waterfalls. We had a nice dip in the pool at the bottom of one of the smaller falls and some lunch, and enjoyed the day. It wasn't crowded, so we had the pool to ourselves for several hours.

2. This jackite.

We put our Jackite up again this summer and we have loved seeing "him" flying high and gliding through the skies. We are wanting to get another one, but maintaining one is enough right now. We got him for our ducks to enjoy and befriend, but they can't be concerned or bothered by it. Which is a real bummer. ☺Our Jackite is the mallard duck, but there are others that are cool, too.

3. This moment.

These summer days are the best when spent with my boy.

4. This boy.

He is such a good kid and he is my buddy. When he starts college the days come to an end where he is curious and wanting to know the answers from me. He has spent every day of his life with me over anyone else. I am so proud of the person he is becoming and not one time will I ever stop being his biggest fan. I hope he never forgets that he can turn to me when he is in need, when he needs a hug, or even when he just needs a shoulder to lean on. I would give him the moon, if I could. Knowing what a great person I have raised, I miss my other baby so much. I wish my baby from 2000 had been given the change to thrive with us, as well. One day we will all be together and be able to share in the love we have.

5. These subscriptions.

This month's subscription boxes sent some wonderful items. My favorite from Kiwi Eco Box is the Ukrainian tattoo and anklet. I feel awful about what's happening over there and I wish I could do so much more, but for my part I will do the best I can to show support in any way that I can.  In the Kinder Beauty box, my favorite item is the Detail Setting brush from Jazmine Beauty. I also received a three pack of sample Heinz ketchups from Influenster - Habanero, Jalapeno, and Chipotle. The jalapeño was our favorite! And of course, Dae is always a treat to receive in the mail. I love their signature collection the most.

One last thing:

I received this calendar back in the Kiwi Eco Box January 2022 box. It has pages that are laced with wildflower seeds and I've been holding onto it ever since. I haven't been sure if I wanted to plant it, or keep it, but I think planting it would be the best for the environment and for pollinators. I am hoping it goes well, and the bees love it. I am going to soak them overnight and then plant them this weekend. Fingers crossed that they all sprout and bring lovely flowers for us all.

Positive affirmations this week:
The best advice anyone can give you. Living within our means is more than just about money. It's about everything we bring into our life, including people. If certain people are too much for you, then they are not within your means. Keeping your overhead low, your purchases few, and the people you let in sparse, life will be so much better in the end. You can do this! 🌈

Have a nice weekend.

Five Simple Things (July 14)


Here are five things this week.

1. This sunlight.

The morning sunlight always brings in rays of light that make my morning a bit more bearable. My mental health has been dipping lately, but seeing little glimpses of things that make me happy always help me get through just a bit longer.

2. These lights.

This week we got a good look at the Northern Lights across the horizon. It wasn't much, but it was still neat to see them in the distance.

3. This view.

Blue skies and cooler temperatures are always a plus. This week our heat finally let up and we could actually be outside long enough to do things without sweating buckets. Hopefully, it sticks around awhile and we get some relief. I know the plants and animals could sure use a break, too.

4. This moment.

I've been doing a lot of my work sitting in my new chair this week, and Eleven has to be right there monitoring everything I do. She really loves to be near me and we girls need to stick together. I am enjoying working in my chair rather than my desk, but my desk will soon be calling my name. I wish I could find a desk chair that's a recliner, because I would probably never leave my office it that were the case. 

5. This lid.

We have been on a mad hunt for the lid to this water bottle for about three months and after cleaning out the hall closet, there it was. For some reason it was dropped in there, or kicked in there by mistake. We have been using a small paper cup as a "make-shift" lid, so we are glad that we finally located it. These are such great water bottles, too. They are five gallon square bottles that stack on each other for better storage. We use them on our water cooler at home, and with an electric water pump when on the road, or camping. We have seven five-gallon bottles and two three-gallon bottles. We have this water dispenser and the best part is, it's on sale right now, too.

One last thing:

During our grocery trip this week and man was signing and offering copies of his children's books he wrote. His name is Will Robertson and his drawings remind me a lot of Calvin and Hobbs. He signed both copies for Skylar and he was such a nice man. Casey and Kyle are his book titles and you can find out more about him and his children's books here.

Positive affirmations this week:
And some days you just won't want to get out of bed or do anything. It's about progress, not perfection. Mental health doesn't pick and choose the best convenient time to visit you and it surely doesn't hit you on days that you can schedule in. What we have to do is focus on the good days and tap into those times when the days get bad. We aren't seeking the most perfect outcome here. What we are seeking is a little bit of positive progress that we can be proud of ourselves for. That, my healing friend, is the progress you want to remember, and the progress that you deserve. You can do this! 🌈

Have a nice weekend.

A Night at the Movies

 We went to the movies this week and watched the new Indiana Jones movie "Dial of Destiny." We have always been fans of the Indiana Jones series and this latest movie we were excited to see, because Harrison Ford still has all the same vibes as the first Indy movies. Our local movie theater is an old one, but still a good one. Jeff told us that when he was growing up he and a friend would sneak into the back of the theater and watch all his favorite movies. They recently upgraded the projectors, but some of the older decorations and lighting are the same. We like how small and less crowded it is on certain nights. It's nice to be able to watch a movie without 100 other people around you making noise. We just love it and it's great memories for Skylar to remember when he is older.

Five Simple Things (July 7)


Here are five things this week.

1. This moon.

We took a drive to Waldport this week to check out the beach there and to also see a good/different view of the Full Thunder Supermoon. It was such a good call and the Supermoon did not disappoint.

2. This camera.

Last week I mentioned a camera I was trying for on eBay that was being sold by a Japanese camera dealer. Well, I won the bid and here it is. Film cameras are one of my favorite things and I can't wait to take pictures with this beauty.

3. This dig.

Skylar and I loved these dinosaur excavation eggs. It's a clay that you break apart with water and the provided chisel and keep digging away until you reach the dinosaur inside. It took us about 15 minutes to break through the clay egg and we had a blast. We dug out the Saurolophus and the Triceratops in our eggs, and the guide that comes with the kit shows all of the dinosaurs you could excavate. They are sold in a large pack, but are totally worth it. The brand is Thames & Kosmos and they also have other amazing kits and experiments for kids.

4. This area.

We set up an area near the front window in the front area of the house for Skylar to work on his college homework and study. He had been able to focus more on what he needs to focus on, and keeping a television out of this area has been beneficial for us all. It's more of a study, reading, and "serious" area now with all of the distractions taken out. We got room dividers to separate the area, as well, and we all think it looks great!

5. These subscriptions.

Kiwi Eco Box favorite item this month was the cotton buds. I love the wooden sticks they are on and the fact that they are 100% biodegradable. The Might Nest Mighty Fix this month is bug repellent in a spray and towel form. The smell isn't overwhelming and it's DEET-free, which is always a plus. For the Kinder Beauty Box this month, my favorite product was the Botanical Hydrating Moisturizer. Since having my breast surgery in 2020 I have been staying constant with applying moisturizer to my scars. Not only does it make their appearance less noticeable, it makes them hydrated and less itchy, too.

One more thing:

I signed up for Threads and so far, I am liking it. I'm not sure how many more social media sites we need, but I think I am good for now. Threads is a nice calm social site, though. If you are on there, too, let's connect. @lifeataswellspace.

Positive affirmations this week:
If only I had this advice in a positive way when I was growing up. It's important to work on yourself before bringing anyone else into your life. I have instilled in my son the things that weren't taught to me at a young age. I tell Skylar that your education and future matter more than a relationship right now and to trust the process. What's meant for you will come when it's time for you. Don't rush anything. Life is not a race. If I had any advice to give, slow down, because once it's done, it's done. You can't have a do over and the more we rush it, the more we miss out on. Self love is so much more important than other people's love. You can't love others if you don't first love yourself. You can do this! 🌈

Have a nice weekend.