Tired of being tired?

Five Simple Things (June 16)


Here are five things this week.

1. This day.

Taking Skylar to and from his classes has been a real treat for me. We were going to get him his own car, but we decided that since he was going to a four year college out of state soon, that we would take the time to spend every moment together that we could. I drive him to class and then head to work, then pick him out when I am done. It has worked out well and the time we are spending together reminds me of the days that he and I would drive everywhere and take road trips together. I sure do miss those days, and I will miss this days, too. But for now, I am embracing every second.

2. This view.

Eleven is loving the new setup I have for our ginger and avocado plants in the front window. The sun comes through in the mornings and she soaks in all the rays.

3. These cupcakes.

I made strawberry cupcakes from scratch this week and I think I did a good job of it. I used fresh strawberries in the cake batter and in the icing and topped each one off with a small wedge of fresh strawberry. The cake recipe I used was from Minimalist Baker and is vegan. The icing is just a guess of mine that I kept mixing until it tasted right to me. I used butter, confectioners', a small amount of milk, and just a little vanilla paste. Once I mixed that well in a stand mixer I added the pureed strawberries (blended in a blender) slowly so that I didn't flood the mix. Once I liked the taste I went with it. I didn't measure anything, so use your best judgement and always taste as you go. These cupcakes were so good, I will be repeating it again. Next time I will make sure and take note of each measure and share it.

4. This pizza.

On another baking note, this week I also made homemade pizza for Skylar's class "party." It was more of a last day of class get together for his classmates and Skylar wanted to take homemade pizzas. I spent hours making homemade pizza dough and the rest of the process was easy. I hate cooking, or baking, but I will do anything for Skylar, so I pressed on and made four pizzas for his class and froze the other dough for us to use at home. We called around to different pizza places in the city and the only place that would let us have pizza boxes to use was Pizza Schmizza. They charged us 50 cents per box, because we insisted on paying something for their trouble. We are extremely grateful and definitely want to give them a shoutout for their generosity. And, the pizzas were a big hit and his classmates and teacher couldn't believe that I made all of them. They said the pizzas were so good and such a good idea. Some classmates even took some home. I couldn't believe people actually enjoyed something that I made. It made me feel so good and Skylar couldn't stop saying thank you to me. It was a good day!

5. These plants.

We have spent this week getting different plants that will stay on this property long after we are gone. We are trying to create a natural landscape that will beautify the property and will create some privacy. Our ducks are enjoying the coverage that some of the plant's leaves are creating, and they have been playing in the foliage. We are still trying to find a good place for these boxwoods we purchased, but we aren't quite sure where yet. It will come to us soon, we just need to "feel" the space out before deciding. Our backyard will hopefully be an escape for us in time. It's almost there, but we still need a few more different aspects before it's complete.

One more thing:

I have had my eyes on a few older camera lately and this one caught my eye right away. It's being sold by an individual that lives in Japan and I have sent him a message that I am very interested. He is selling it on eBay and I hope he takes my offer. (photo credit: bummei sasaki)

Positive affirmations this week:
Simple tips, like the one below are helpful reminders to keep going and keep on track. Definitely smile more and drink more water. You should shoot for working out at least three times a week, too. Working out and drinking more water will have great benefits to your mental health. Keep going and keep a routine. 
You can do this!🌈

Have a nice weekend.

Five Simple Things (June 9)


Here are five things this week.

1. These flowers.

Another week of fresh flowers. Love having this routine and they bring so us so much joy.

2. This dragonfly.

Skylar gave me this as a Mother's Day gift and I just love it. I have always loved dragonflies, so this was just the perfect gift. These Rusty Birds products are made in Vancouver, Washington, and are all handmade from recycled metal. I am definitely going to be getting a few more different designs, especially the mushrooms, owls, and ferns.

3. This jar.

I started a jar of soaps this week for guests, or for us to grab and go when camping, or trips on the bus. We don't have a guest bathroom, or this would be perfect for that. For now, it will sit on the vanity and await their next adventure with us, or guests.

4. These towels.

We recently participated in a summer Twitter party with Only Organic and answered questions regarding our all-organic lifestyle. Delilah Home was one of the merchants participating in the questioning and Jeff answered and won. We weren't sure what the gift was, but these towels were perfect! They are made from organic cotton and are so soft and luxurious that we couldn't help but buy several more. The color is a mineral green and we absolutely love them.

5. These nights.

This week was a good view of the Strawberry Moon and also the Big Dipper was beaming. We love space in this house and anytime we get to view a grand event, we are definitely present.

One more thing:

I try any chance I get to get involved in what Skylar is into at the current time. Right now he is all about Star Wars, so we have been diving deep into the lore, history, and novelty of it all. Right now he is building a grand collection of Star Wars fighter planes, jets, and troopers. It's interesting to learn how he sees things over how we see things. There is always something to learn from everyone. Good things, and bad things we can take from each person we encounter. A lot of people put their egos first instead of just allowing to expand their knowledge and brains. Life is really fun, if we just sit back and allow it.
Skylar got new stickers for Jeff's old Star Wars X-Wing fighter. The two of them have been restoring a lot of Jeff's old toys and this one got a makeover this week. There are a lot of things to be grateful for and a lot of things that people stress about that don't matter in the overall picture of life. Sometimes I talk to people that don't like me, because I want to learn from them and see things from their perspective. Recently I had a conversation with one of Jeff's family members. They have stated things on many occasions that they don't like me, so I wanted to see what it was that I was missing from them that made them feel this way. I agreed with their political views in order to get them to relax enough and put their guard down so that I could maybe try to see things from their viewpoint. It was a hard thing to do, because our views do not align and their comments of gay Americans was way far from where I stand politically and personally, but I learned something during the conversation. They are afraid. Afraid of losing what they have and losing the people around them. In the end of the conversation I felt sorry for them and wanted to help them. Although they never would allow me in enough to help them do anything, I felt closer to them on my end for the simple fact that I let them open up just a little bit to be able to get to know them better. Every single person has a good and a bad lesson for us. A good and a bad lesson can be taken from every interaction. Communication is a huge problem with humans. Some feel we can't talk about certain things, and some people don't say enough. Conflicts and resolutions come from one simple thing, ego. When we can finally put our egos aside and actually listen and communicate better, even if it's as simple as sitting down and talking to my son about his interests, that's when we really do come together. Besides, when am I going to know how the engines of an X-Wing Fighter was used in Star Wars if I don't sit down and learn it from someone that knows? ♥

Positive affirmations this week:
Try this week to stop those excuses and do something every day that helps get your to your goals.
And always tell yourself,
You can do this!🌈

Have a nice weekend.

Five Simple Things (June 2)


Here are five things this week.

1. This popsicle.

We recently discovered Jonny Pops. We love rainbows in our house and these popsicles are always a treat for us. We found these at our local food co-op, but after some online sleuthing we found some different varieties and you can use their "Product Locator" to find the ones you are looking for. There are also ones that you can order online and have them shipped right to you house. Since June is Pride Month, we love the multicolored flavor this month. The best part about these popsicles, they are organic and made with delicious flavors.

2. These prints.

We just love Hardy (aka Mr. Farts). He is getting older, so we are cherishing every moment with him. He turns 16 this coming November.

3. These subscriptions.

Mighty Nest and Kiwi Eco Box sent some great items this month. I'm not too keen on the metal lint remover, but I love the wool fabric fresheners. They are easy to use and take just a drop or two of essential oil and throw right into a drawer, backpack, and even in a lunch box. With Kiwi Eco Box, I love everything this month, especially the lunch box.

4. These plants.

Some plants thrive in Oregon and some don't. I'm still on a learning curve, even though I've been here for over 10 years. Right now, though there are some thriving plants, and they are putting on their best show. The older I get the more it bothers me when plants die. I have had people make fun of me being upset when one of my plants dies, but the way I see it, how can you value life when plants don't matter? I love that I care about all living things and not just the ones I pick and choose.

5. This day.

Sum... Sum... Summer time!

One last thing:

I have been using more CBD massage oils lately and this one is great. Unfortunately, this company has stopped selling this particular oil blend, but most reputable CBD massage oil companies take pride in their products and offer good oils. The best thing to do is read the label and do research on the company before buying. Here are a list of good ones that was put out through Massage and Fitness Magazine this year and two companies on the list make great CBD products. Remember, reading and doing a bit of research on any product will help you find just the right product for you. 

Positive affirmations this week:
Hot Tip! No shame in taking a break. Never feel guilty for concentrating on you. You are what matters the most! 
You can do this! 🌈

Have a nice weekend.

Bacon Jalapeño Poppers

This recipe has pretty much become a go-to for holiday snacks in our house. We sometimes make them before we take off to go camping, or before the weekend begins. They can be made up ahead of time and placed in an airtight container in the refrigerator and popped into the microwave, air fryer, or oven for a short time to warm them back up, because they are best served hot.

  • 20-30 jalapeño peppers (seeded and cut lengthwise in half) **use gloves for this**
  • 3-4 (8oz) blocks of cream cheese (room temperature)
  • 1 tablespoon of onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon of pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of salt (to taste)
  • 1 tablespoon of jalapeno juice (this adds some additional spice to the mix)
  • 10-12 jalapeno seeds (more or less to your own spice tolerance)
  • Cooked bacon (entire package)

Mix cream cheese, onion powder, pepper, salt, and seeds together in a bowl and fill each jalapeño shell with mixture. Be sure to overfill to your desired amount. Cut bacon into small diced pieces and sprinkle on top of cream cheese mixture. 

Place on baking sheet and bake for 20-30 minutes in a 350 degree oven, or until the tops are browned and bacon becomes crispy.
