Recently we trimmed our rosemary bush in our side yard and after making a few firepit bundles to ward off bugs, mainly mosquitos, we still had a lot left over. Brainstorming on how to use them so they didn't go to waste, I decided to create some homemade rosemary hair rinse. It was easier than I thought and I have definitely been enjoying rinsing my hair in the rosemary tea after my shower is over. I've also added a few sprigs bundled together with twine to hang in our shower for a nice scent when we shower.
Rosemary is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and vasodilator, meaning it dilates the blood cells. It also helps stimulate hair growth, improves circulation, and soothes the scalp to some degree. Rosemary hair oil has become more popular lately and creating your own rosemary tea will give the same benefits from the rosemary just in a different form. Rosemary tea is great for hair breakage and what I found out while using mine was fuller hair and less oiliness. Of course, these are only my personal experiences with the rosemary tea I created, and everyone's hair is different, but there are no harmful side effects known of rosemary tea. Another added benefit I noticed with daily use was a shiny, more manageable hair to style.
Here is how it's made:
Working in batches, I added the clipped rosemary sprigs from the previous rosemary trimming of our bush to a large stock pot (mine is from IKEA and hold five quarts) and poured 10 to 12 cups of water over the rosemary. I added about 20 sprigs per pot and allowed them to come to a boil.
Once they started boiling I allowed them to remain boiling for about 10 minutes.
The water will slowly start to turn light brown in color. This is where the heat should be turned off. I let the rosemary sit in the water for about 10 more minutes to get the most out of the herb.
Remove the rosemary sprig from the rosemary water and set aside. I used tongs for the large pieces and a slotted spoon for the smaller ones. Allow the rosemary water to cool to room temperature before bottling. Be sure to compost your rosemary scraps, or throw into a brown paper sack and toss on a firepit or campfire. Rosemary helps keeps mosquitos and other bugs at bay.
Once cooled place a funnel and a fine mesh strainer over the top of your jars and fill jars as much as you want per jar. I like to leave a bit of space, about two inches at the top of the jar, to help with pouring it into the applicator bottles later. I use an applicator bottle that has a small resealable top on the bottle in the shower to apply it, similar to the one pictured below, but you could pour straight from the jars onto your hair, as well. Store the jars in the refrigerator in the meantime. They will last about a month when refrigerated. The applicator bottle that I keep in my shower, I make sure to use that rosemary hair rinse in about three days and then refill it. I've been doing this rinse for about three months now and I do see a difference. Less hair in the shower drain, less itching, less breakage, etc. Everyone's hair is different, so if you are concerned about truing this on your own hair, speak to your hair stylist, or physician beforehand. Overall rosemary is a safe herb and I just love the benefits of it all the way around, from eating, to topical, to even medicinal, it's a great addition to your routine from head to toe.
The Mighty Fix from Mighty Nest last month was these herb scissors. I've wanted some of these for awhile now, so this Fix hits just right. We decided to have baked potatoes this week with all the fixings, including chives. I used my herb scissors to make quick work of the herb to use on our potatoes. It was the perfect cut and size. Definitely a must in any house that cooks, or like me, attempts to cook. ☺
You can sign up for the Mighty Fix from Mighty Nest here and get on the mailing list for next month.
2. These Cookies.
We tried a new festive way to dress up sugar cookies. I am not really big on icing sugar cookies, mostly because I don't want to take the time, but sprinkles I'm all about. These sprinkles are non-gmo and USDA organic and they bring such a fun addition to anything, really. We used a basic sugar cookie recipe and then shaped the cookie dough into a log and rolled in sprinkles. You can also freeze the log and then coat with a little melted butter or water and roll in sprinkles. Either way will work and still bake up the same.
The recipe we used is as follows:
2 1/2 cups flour
2 tsp. baking powder
3/4 tsp. sea salt
2 sticks cooled, room temperature butter
1 1/4 cups sugar
1 large egg
1 egg yolk
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees, and whisk/sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix in an electric mixer the butter and sugar and mix until fluffy. Add egg and yolk one at a time, mixing after each addition. Slowly add the flour mixture and mix until combined. Form dough into a log and roll in sprinkles. Slice into 1/4 inch cookies and bake for 12-14 minutes. Don't over bake.
3. This Box.
Kinder Beauty Box this month brought a few things that I haven't tried before. A body mud mask, flyaway hair gel, and apple cider vinegar gummies. I love having an opportunity to try different items that I have thought about, but never purchased. The body mud felt amazing and I've already started taking the apple cider vinegar gummies. I also got a chance to try the hair gel to help with baby hairs. Such great products, and I'm never disappointed in each box that comes. You can sign up here to get on the mailing list for next month.
4. This Weather.
We got a random sleet storm this week and it left as quickly as it came in. It lasted all of five minutes and was gone. We didn't realize what it was right away until we heard the sleet hitting the windows and had to look outside to be sure. Sometimes these freak sleet storms are cool to watch and listen to.
5. This Milk.
This milk was something new that we saw at our local food co-op and I loved the message behind it. It's a carbon-neutral milk and helps fight the damage on the climate. It's from a brand named Neutral. We purchased a half gallon of the milk to taste it and it tasted perfect to us. You can read more about their efforts here. They also create half and half and cheese products.
One more thing:
Skylar and I have been watching the LEGO livestream this week and we are loving it! You can watch a small snippet of it above, or watch the entire two hours here.
Positive affirmations this week:
Talking more about what I struggle with has helped me a great deal. We must keep talking about mental health to destroy this stigma attached to it and those that suffer with issues get heard more. When we brush things under the carpet, so to speak, it builds up and also causes a lot of issues later. Talking and speaking about topics more helps everyone handle it better, and helps those that need it to be heard. Below is a list of 10 ways you can help reduce the stigma behind mental health issues that could very well save someone's life.
This year for Valentine's Day I got up early and made heart-shaped waffles and heart-shaped eggs for us. The waffle maker I used is from Dash and when I saw it online I knew immediately that I had to have it. We had snow on the ground and it made the day even better having a warm themed breakfast for thing in the morning. We started the fireplace and just enjoyed the day together. Everyone loved the heart-shaped waffles, which were blueberry, and the heart-shaped eggs. I also incorporated the Love Day breakfast with fresh strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. It was a perfect start to the day. Scroll to the end of this post to get one of these super cute waffle makers for yourself.
Life at a "Swell's" pace is a lifestyle and travel blog chronicling the life and travels while living in Oregon's beautiful Willamette Valley. It is mostly written by Shelly HW. Click the image to learn more»