Tired of being tired?

Blues night at Downtown Dog

The Mr., Skylar-Braden, and I took a quick walk downtown the Thursday before Christmas to enjoy some blues music from Robbie Laws.  We had gone to eat at the Downtown Dog on Wednesday night and while we were there, the owner (Terry) told us about the blues nights on Thursday.  We decided to walk there, although it was raining, and enjoy the music.  I liked how it was kid-friendly and Skylar-Braden really enjoyed it.  

Check out Robbie Laws music.

Skylar-Braden got a chance to talk to Robbie Laws about music.  Skylar-Braden enjoys 70s music and loves talking to musicians when he gets a chance.  We did after all, take him to his first concert when Foghat was playing live in Albany, Oregon.  


It was a great night for blues.  It was raining, and the wind was whistling through the downtown area.  It couldn't have been a better backdrop for Robbie Laws' music.

After leaving the Downton Dog we decided to walk back a different way and walk through Holidays in the Park at the Snow Park (Ralston Park).

It started raining on us before we got to Snow Park, but the lights still looked bright and festive.

Because of the chilly wind blowing my hands were freezing and shaking. The wind and rain really picked up once we got to Snow Park.

The wind was so strong we felt like we were in Chicago for a few gusts.  One big gust came through and blew the Mr.'s umbrella inside out.  We chased my umbrella a block from when this picture was taken.  Needless to say, we were glad to get back to the warm house and fireplace.  

Overall it was a pretty fun evening.  We enjoyed the blues music and even the walk back home.  It was a great before Christmas evening.

Macy's and Santa Claus

On our way up to Portland it was raining and then the sun was trying to creep through the clouds.  There was several moments of rain/sun/rain/sun and it gave way for a nice sight of a rainbow.

It was later in the evening once we got into Portland and the sun peeking through the clouds was nowhere to be seen.  But that didn't deter us from heading straight to Macy's and B-lining to Santa.

Skylar-Braden wrote a very matter-of-fact "quick" letter to Santa before we got there.

The rain started in once we parked.  Typical Oregon weather.  

We headed up the escalators to the street.  We ended up parking below the street and had to head up to get to street level.  It was a nice alternative than walk in the rain.  

We went downstairs in Macy's and Skylar-Braden was able to fix his letter to Santa at the Believe desk.  He was happy to make it look less messy.  He is getting so big, but still loves to mail the letters.  Paint me proud!

A replica of the old monorail that used to travel around the Santa room.  It stopped operation in 2005 and at that time the Macy's was known as Meier & Frank.

All of the reindeer in the stables.

Macy's layout at Christmas is one of the best I've seen.  It's such a great treat for us each year.

He is next to see Santa!

It's always fun to look back on the pictures we get each year and see how much he has grown.  

The actual train cars from the children's ride that used to be part of the Macy's Santa Land.

Downton Portland was our next stop.  We wanted to see Hipster Santa, but the layout of where he was sitting was a bit off.  There were more adults around than kids and the rain started coming down.  It was more of a comical sight than a Christmas sight.  It gave us all a good laugh though.  Leave it to Portland, Oregon to bring out a hipster Santa for the holiday. 

The 2015 Christmas tree in Pioneer Courthouse Square.  This area is considered Portland's living room.



The infamous Martini Glass in the West Hills.  This martini glass is a reminder to drivers to call a cab if you've had too much to drink.  It went away for a few years and this year it finally made a comeback. 

After leaving Portland we headed toward Tigard to Washington Square.  We had only one stop inside Washington Square and that stop was the LEGO Store.  Skylar-Braden loves the Pick-a-Brick Wall and sometimes, even if you aren't a LEGO fan, it's a pretty neat wall to see.  The rainbow of colors are almost mesmerizing.   

Skylar does some fun LEGO reviews and Matchbox Car reviews on his YouTube Channel.  If you are a LEGO fan, you might find it informative.  

Can't wait until next year!

(2012 was the year of the norovirus outbreak)