I am really freaked out at the fact that I have a third grader, I mean, really....what the heck? Where did the time go with my little baby boy? It makes me sad....really! He is such a great kid though, I couldn't have asked for a more passionate, caring, and sensitive little kid to be mine. I was a dreadful little girl growing up, or so my mom likes to
With back to school looming over our heads, I am still beaming from our Arkansas trip and can't wait to share all of our fun activities and adventures with everyone that reads my blog.
We had quite an adventure while we were down south and some of them are mildly amusing, to say the least. From mosquito bites covering Skylar's little legs, to a scorpion stinging my foot, to getting stuck in a simulation cavern shaft at Mid-America Science Museum, we have a lot to talk about. All of which we have recovered from completely and are now very laughable to most everyone we tell the stories to.
Eco-Tip: Keeping up on the regular maintenance on your car is a great way to save you time and money, but it also helps the environment too. Running a fuel-efficient vehicle is a great way to step up your green living and it will save you on maintenance and fuel loss in the end. For more tips on living a greener lifestyle visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.