Tired of being tired?

Getting back to the swing of things

So as of today, I am officially back from my 10 day escape to Arkansas, with a two day rest period, and I am glad to get things back on track.  Skylar starts school tomorrow, so today we are picking out the "new" clothes for the first week of classes and getting school supplies labeled and packed into a box.  I always use the Bankers Boxes to carry his supplies to school, they just make more sense than lugging a large bag or carrying them separately.

I am really freaked out at the fact that I have a third grader, I mean, really....what the heck?  Where did the time go with my little baby boy?  It makes me sad....really!  He is such a great kid though, I couldn't have asked for a more passionate, caring, and sensitive little kid to be mine.  I was a dreadful little girl growing up, or so my mom likes to joke tell people, so it makes no sense to me why I have such a well-behaved child.  I should be the mom with the outrageous, hard to control, beast for a kid.  Ha!  Nah, not really, but I am blessed more than I deserve sometimes.  :-)


With back to school looming over our heads, I am still beaming from our Arkansas trip and can't wait to share all of our fun activities and adventures with everyone that reads my blog.

We had quite an adventure while we were down south and some of them are mildly amusing, to say the least.  From mosquito bites covering Skylar's little legs, to a scorpion stinging my foot, to getting stuck in a simulation cavern shaft at Mid-America Science Museum, we have a lot to talk about.  All of which we have recovered from completely and are now very laughable to most everyone we tell the stories to.

Eco-Tip:  Keeping up on the regular maintenance on your car is a great way to save you time and money, but it also helps the environment too.  Running a fuel-efficient vehicle is a great way to step up your green living and it will save you on maintenance and fuel loss in the end.  For more tips on living a greener lifestyle visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.  


Labor Day for hardworking Americans

Happy Labor Day! Today is the day to actually be proud that you are a working American.  As hard as most of us work throughout the entire year and sacrifice all that we give to companies, factories, restaurants, small businesses, schools, government jobs, and jobs that require most of our day and nights, Labor Day is a day to celebrate all that we give to provide for our families, our self, and our country.

Photo Credit:  66Batman.
Labor Day, which was established more than 100 years ago, falls on the first Monday in September.  It's a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of all hard working Americans nationwide. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions American workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country; the great United States.
Regular blogging for SNORTH will pick back up on Tuesday.  Enjoy the day today!  :-)
Photo Credit:  Burning Love BBQ.

Eco-Tip:  Living off the land is no longer something that is meant for hippies or survivalist.  With this day and age it means a lot with the fact that saving money and living a more healthy lifestyle.  Starting with a small yard garden is a great way to get you started and can provide a lot of fruits and vegetables that your family can depend on throughout the entire year to come.  To learn more tips on living more green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.


Blueberry picking

This past weekend we took advantage of the sunny weather and went to pick a few bags of blueberries.  We took a walk through the local water shed too in Waterloo, Oregon and the weather was wonderful.  

Blueberry picker.

Five simple things

I've decided that I may continue this series once a week to share my interest each week and things that I feel are worth sharing. While you read this post I will be on an airplane to Arkansas and will be gone for 10 days.  I will pick back up on September 2nd with updated posts.  Look for photos from my trip because trust me, I will have a TON!  :-)

Such a great tool for someone like me that's definitely a lazy cook.  Less mess on the stove top for sure and for less mess in the kitchen that means less time I have to spend over the stove.  Lazy cook meets Lazy Spoons!  

I love that the state of Oregon does their voting by mail.  It's been this way since the citizens of Oregon voted for it in 1998 through their general election in November of that year.  It is one of the perks of Oregon that I will miss when I move back to the south.  Hopefully other states will follow suit in due time.

Can't have a collection of vinyl without The Mamas & The Papas.

 Finding that the old, brown, shag carpet on my stairs is important to someone in our house.  PITA finds it quite lovely to sleep on.  I find it quite repulsing at times.  

I love shooting random, off topic photos.  I tend to forget that I take them until I look through the photos on my camera and stubble across them once again.  It's almost like finding an old box of photos in the attic and reliving those moments all over again.  The above photo was taken on a rainy day here in Oregon, near Junction City, Oregon.  It's a field of old grave plots, some dating back to the 1800s.  The lone tree in the middle seemed to be begging for me to snap the picture.

Eco-Tip:  Toothbrushes are thrown into household trash once a week and about 50 million pounds of plastic toothbrushes tossed in U.S. landfills each year. [1]  for a more eco-friendly option why not try these other options:  Smile² (Smile Squared) made from sustainable bamboo, or Preserve Toothbrushes, which takes back the toothbrush to recycle into new toothbrushes once they are used.  For more tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.

The "Hype" of Organic Foods

Making a switch to organic food is a great way to improve your health, it really is.  Organic foods have been around since the 19th century, but didn't really come into play, for market value, until around the 80s, when people wanted to eat better and improve their health and well-being. 

Not everyone believes that organic food is better than other foods, but as more and more companies are going organic with their food, even foods you once enjoyed as a kid, more consumers are making the switch.   To read more about why organic foods are important, Samuel Fromartz goes into great detail with his book Organic Inc.
When it comes to organic foods, a lot of fruits and vegetables are over-looked when it comes to purchasing them raw.  The list of the Dirty Dozen is a list that all of us should remember when purchasing these foods at the local grocery store, or even at some Farmers Markets.  Not all foods are created equal and most are made with ingredients that you probably wouldn't eat otherwise.  Making the switch to health eating is a great start no matter if it's organic or not, but taking the extra step and going completely organic is a wonderful step in the right direction.  That means cutting out a lot of "processed" foods.  Sorry.  :-)

  Here are a few that might find their way into your cabinet soon.








These organic selections are just an option when it comes to going organic in your menu at home.  The links above are sold by the case and stocking up is a great way to help save you money too.  

Eco-Tip:  Cut out the paper towels in your home.  A single-family home of just 3 people can go through a roll and a half each day.  That's 547 1/2 in a year and at $2-$3 a roll that's more than $1,500 a year wasted on nothing but a paper towel.  For a great alternative to paper towels use a stack of inexpensive white dish towels or hand towels for jobs that require a paper towel. This tip courtesy of The Frugal Girl.  Check out other tips at her site and save the planet and yourself some money.  For more tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.


Recipes: A new Twist on Greek Fruit Parfait

This recipe may seem very simple, but it's oh so yummy and healthy for you.  Greek yogurt has become my new favorite and with added berries and granola, it makes for a very good treat when I am having one of my sweet tooth moments.  Here's what you'll need:   

• 1 cup organic Greek Yogurt
• 1/2 cup fresh organic blueberries (washed)
• 1/2 cup fresh organic strawberries (washed and sliced)
• 1/2 cup granola

Using a deep-set bowl, large-mouth glass, or even a pudding dish, layer ingredients into the bowl starting with the yogurt, then the blueberries, next the strawberries, top with more yogurt and sprinkle with granola.  You can top your parfait with anything from apples to cranberries too!  I've topped mine with a bit of chocolate shavings too!


Eco-Tip:  Carry your own bags to the grocery store and to the market.  Carrying your own bags cuts down on the amount of paper and plastic waste being sent out of the stores, and cuts down on the amount of paper and plastic waste coming into your home, as well.  For more tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.