Tired of being tired?

Five Simple Things (January 26)


Here are five things this week.

1. This kitty.

Pretty kitty, always.♥

2. This sign.

Being kind to others is a choice. But so is hate. Make the right choice.

3. This shadow.

I have insomnia a lot lately and the shadows on the wall help me fall asleep. Having mental health issues, there are some nights that are impossible to get ahead of. It's nothing to be afraid of, but it does keep those of us who suffer up at nights from time to time.

4. These patches.

I was really hoping these would be something I would love. Unfortunately, they were great for heat, but the application of them is annoying. You have to stick them on your clothes rather than you body and that allows them to shift around at night and move away from the areas that are needing the heat. If that is something you can get past then these are great for you. You can get a pack of eight here.

5. This rainbow.

The best part about all of the rain that the Willamette Valley receives is when the rainbows peak through the cloud cover.

One last thing:

When I see signs like this, I definitely take advantage of the horror sale. If you don't still own a DVD player, you're missing out. This is the one we own and I love horror movies, so it's seen a lot coming through its door.

Positive affirmations this week:

Have a nice weekend.

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