These are the winter "Sometimes Wants" that have caught my eye lately.
1. Georganics has some great items for oral care, but I am currently loving their refillable dental floss. I have a monthly subscription to Kiwi Eco Box and in that subscription I was introduced to eco-friendly dental floss in a glass container. Once you go with better dental floss options, you really don't go back. I love the refillable glass containers and refilling them with an eco-friendly option, like the one here is a plus. The spearmint flavor is my favorite. There is also a charcoal version from ME MOTHER EARTH that is great, too. Check out Georganics toothsoap.
2. These plantable thank you cards from Rock Woods Studio are my favorite thing to send to people, especially around the holidays. I have taught Skylar that the best way to show your appreciation for gifts that come from a good distance away (family in Arkansas) is to send them thank you cards with a personalized, handwritten message of thanks inside. And, what better way to do it but with plantable seed cards that the recipient can use in the spring. I love their plantable yearly calendars, too.
3. We have been composting anything and everything we can, instead of tossing it into the garbage once a week. We are still in a learning curve process, but these bags have helped with our indoor composting bin that we keep near our kitchen sink. It has been working out pretty well and these Bio Bags have helped a great deal in keeping our compost can clean after each toss. I love their pet waste bags, as well.
4. These are by far the best teeth whitening strips on the market currently, without going to the dentist. I have sensitive teeth and was hesitant of using these and not feeling sensitivity. After a month of using them consistently I had whiter teeth and not a change to my sensitivity level on my teeth. Luminex makes a lot of lists of mine on a regular basis because it is a great company with good products.
5. One thing I regret when I had Skylar was researching healthier options for him and myself. I did raise him on Burt's Bees products, when the company was still owned by Burt Shavitz, and the products were made with a more care to the environment. But one big thing I wish I had known better was using cloth diapers instead of disposable. The amount of diapers that end up in a landfill that don't break down for several years, is upsetting and I still hate that I added to that issue when Skylar was younger. The changes I've made since then have been great, though, so I don't beat myself up too bad. But if I could do it over again, I would definitely try these cloth diapers from Dyper. They are made from bamboo and their starter kit comes with 12 cloth diapers. They also carry composting diapers from newborn to size six and plant-based wipes.
6. These Washi Paper Snowflakes from Mighty Nest are so fun. They are reusable and festive, and best of all, they are easy to apply and easy to remove. They are handmade in Japan using their Mino Washi papermaking tradition. Created from the fibers of native Japanese shrubs. I purchased one of each size offered and I have loved them. They apply to your window, or glass (I've used them on a mirror, too) with water and they dry and adhere to the surface. Once you are ready to remove them, you ever-so gently lift one corner and slowly lift. You can reuse them over and over again and the best part, they don't leave a nasty or annoying residue, or a sticky mess.
7. Finding good quality, comfortable, and sustainable footwear for walking, cycling, or running seems to be a never ending game of whack-a-mole. I have tried so many different brands that are a workhorse when needed and I have found a good brand that actually lasts longer than a year when worn regularly. Hylo Athletics makes women's and men's athletic shoes that really do go that extra mile for when I need them. They are also great for hiking, too. They also offer a recycling program for used shoes when it is time to upgrade to a new pair.
8. Along the lines of cycling, these Ignite Cycling Socks from Rockay are so nice. They are made from recycled material and don't rub when you're riding. We have been getting our wheels moving a lot this last season because once winter hits we find it harder to get out and take rides, because the wind, rain, and at times the ice and snow. These socks are some of the best ones we have found for cycling in and the one thing I like about them the most, they don't fall down your leg as you're riding. To me, that's a plus!
9. With the seasons changing I always like to do an evaluation of my perennial plants and repot the ones that need it, so they can be brought inside, or into our greenhouse area near our garage. These plastic pots I found recently have worked out great. Of course, there are several companies that now use recycled plastic to create something new, but the one thing that drew me to these was the fact that they are created from discarded fishing nets and fishing ropes that have been recovered in Scotland. Ocean Plastic Pots come with a hole in the bottom and a tray to collect water, so they work out perfectly for less watering over the winter months. I love the yellow ones, but ever pot they make is beautiful. And everything that can be done to reduce the amount of plastics in our oceans is definitely a plus.
10. I love birthdays and the ones thing I love the most about birthdays is making the birthday person feel important and special. I bought a few of these beeswax number candles over the past couple of years - two for when Jeff turned 50 and two more when Skylar turned 20. I have enjoyed watching them see the candles when I bring the cake out, and the look on their faces just makes my heart soar. I love these number candles so much that I am hoping to carry them in my store before too long.
Happy Winter Solstice!
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