Here are five things this week.
1. This mug.
Drink you selfcare and stay hydrated. Here are ways to help you do that.
1. Add frozen berries-(blueberries, raspberries, squeeze of lemon, mint, etc.)Life at a "Swell's" pace
Here are five things this week.
1. This mug.
Drink you selfcare and stay hydrated. Here are ways to help you do that.
1. Add frozen berries-(blueberries, raspberries, squeeze of lemon, mint, etc.)Hello.
Here are five things this week.
1. This dinner.
A few tips to start new routines.
1. Daily 5-5-5-5-30-10 (five pushups, five squats, five lunges, five crunches, 30 second plank, 10 minute walk in place)
2. Work on your posture whenever you find yourself slouching.
3. Work up to drinking a gallon of water a day (128 ounces), or half your weight in ounces a day.
Here are five things this week.
1. These socks.
12 things to remember:
1. The past can not be changed.Hello.
Here are five things this week.
1. These posters.
Mental health care is an important part of taking care of yourself, no matter who you are. Some tips to help you take care of your mental health:
Day two of our camping/surf trip we hit the waves and enjoyed the day. The first day we mostly relaxed and did some beach hiking, but day two we surfed for a few hours before the weather turned on us. Surfing in the rain is not as fun as it may sound. So we packed it up and headed out. It was a good weekend overall and every chance we have to get away to the beach we take it.