Tired of being tired?

Five Simple Things (April 8)


Here are five things this week.

1. These Boxes.

Our garden boxes are getting an overhaul this week. We first added the metal brackets to the side to further enforce the sides and we are also going to give them a black stain coat on the wood. We are looking forward to a reset on these boxes and to start a new growing season on the right foot. More on this to come soon.

2. This Meal.

We are making more and more meals at home lately, well for the past year, actually. We are enjoying experimenting with a lot of different things that we haven't made before. This plate is a great example of our "at home" meals. We were quite pleased with this one, and everything on this plate is 100% USDA organic; even the bread.

3. This Catnip.

Eleven is loving her treats of catnip from time to time. She is such a funny and cool cat. Check out the above videos to watch the catnip craziness. 

4. This Box.

This week's Misfits Market haul. We are just loving this grocery delivery service. This entire haul here was under $200. We have saved so much by using Misfits Market and you can sign up for their service here and use code: COOKWME-JB2ROZYPHAD at checkout and get $10 off your first box.

5. This Waste.

We haven't drank the water in our city in about three years now. We used to use a water delivery service, but stopped that, as well and started filling our own water bottles. We travel to Corvallis and fill four five-gallon jugs and one three gallon. The water fill that we use only gives five gallon and one gallon options on the machine. After filling our five gallons I pushed it again out of habit. Wasting all of the two gallons of water that the machine poured out in my mistake. *sigh* This was the first time I've made this mistake, but I will definitely not repeat it.

Positive affirmations this week:

Have a nice weekend.

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