Being cooped up in the house for most of this year, we decided to take a little day trip over the coast. Even though we couldn't get out anywhere, or do anything, it was nice just to see something other than the white walls of our house. Of course, it took a lot of pillows and blankets to make the ride over a lot more comfortable. But, it was just nice to get out and breathe some coastal air and relax for a bit.
Five Simple Things (April 24)
Hope things are well. Oregon has been moving forward to help with the spread of Coronavirus here. Not sure what more can be done, other than what is already put into place. There's still people here not abiding by the moral side of the pandemic and the numbers just keep going up. It looks as though furloughs will happen when Jeff works and he is hoping that it won't affect him. Hours have already been cut and overtime is a NO, for all works. They aren't only cut back hours, but less than 40 hours a week. It's stressing Jeff out a lot and in turn causes additional stress on me, because I see how upset he is. My empathy for him is hard to process right now. I'm not only in great amount of pain, but I'm also trying to stay strong so he has at least someone to talk to about his stress. My anxiety, is causing issues, as well. This year is so hard on so many people, so I am just grateful that none of us are sick, and we are able to use a bit of savings that we have. Skylar came into my room last night and started crying and telling me how it all makes him feel. It's just a tough time. I hope, whoever is reading this, you are staying strong. We can and will get through this. Here are five things from this week.
1. This Cooler.
2. This Medication.
Five Simple Things (April 17)
Got up today and walked, very slowly, around my backyard. The sun was out for a bit and Skylar helped me get up and move a little. I am still extremely tired and hurting quite bad, but I wanted to get out of the bed and out of the room I'm in. It was a nice, short, walk around and it felt nice having the sun on my face. I was ready to get back in the bed and positioned where I wouldn't hurt, though. Coronavirus cases are just going up and up in Oregon and across the world, it seems. Jeff said, when he went to get our weekly supplies, a lot of people weren't wearing masks at the local grocery store here and that kind of frustrated him. He gets things for us, puts them in the garage, and Skylar sprays down what he can with disinfectant, and they stay in the garage for 24 hours. Skylar then brings them inside and wipes down things once more. Skylar has been doing a great job at keeping things pretty sanitary inside the house and I am grateful for them both. Jeff goes to work and comes through the gate in the side yard, goes through the garage to do everything. I don't even see, or hear, half the time when stuff is happening toward the back of the house. Probably, for the best that I am not close to that area. Skylar opened my curtains and windows a bit this week, too, to help bring in some fresh air. He has been taking care of me so well, they both have, and I am extremely grateful for everything they have done. I have yet to be out of the house to see the "outside" world the way it is. I feel like, I got put under for my surgery, and woke up to another world, or died, and this is all in my head. It's definitely a strange feeling, and a hard thing to mentally process, that's for sure. Here are five things from this week.
Easter 2020
The ideas for our scavenger hunt came from random accounts on Instagram. It seems we aren't the only ones to have the scavenger hunt idea this year.
Five Simple Things (April 10)
Tax week here. Not fun, but I'm finally able to sit up in the bed and get a bit of work done. Every day Jeff and Skylar come in at the end of the day and let me know what's going on around us. I haven't been able to get out of bed much, except to go to the bathroom. I'm actually glad I can sit up and and eat, and brush my teeth. It's weird brushing my teeth in bed, but it's better than not. I've heard so many weird things from them this past week, masks being worn now, people distancing at six feet, first person in the state of Oregon dying (a 70 year old man), and how people's attitude is during this time. Our county of Linn, is the worst in the state right now, they tell me, and that's heartbreaking. On a positive, I guess I picked a good time to recover from a surgery. I've spent part of this gray day preparing for our tax filing coming up in five more days. Our taxes are pretty easy to file, but I'm glad we only do them once a year. Skylar bought me a new candle, so he's been lighting that in the evenings when everyone is in my room, and we're talking about things. It smells less like a hospital room in here, and everything is better by candlelight.
1. This Frosty Window.
Five Simple Things (April 3)
Well, here we are in the thick of things with the Coronavirus pandemic and hearing and reading stories from across the nation and across the world, is very sad. So many people dying, yet there's people that still claim it isn't really, or true. I am actually glad I am confined to this bed and this room, for now. My surgery checkup is coming up next week, to see how my stitches are healing and see if anything needs attention. I am still taking pain medication, but have now only been taking one at night, so I can sleep soundly without waking up too much from pain. Keeping a body pillow on either side of my body with my arms on top of the body pillows as helped a great deal with taking pressure off my sides. Again, I will elaborate more on the surgery at a later time. Jeff has been telling me about the "outside" world, a bit. He went to get groceries after work, this week, and he said he watched a woman at the grocery store making a huge scene about wearing a mask. It hasn't been mandatory yet, just advised, but he said she was yelling about everyone being sheep and living in fear. Ridiculous. I did read that Governor Kate Brown, here in Oregon, issued a statewide mandate, banning public gatherings of 25 or more, and restricting restaurants to take-out or delivery. Essential businesses like, grocery stores, pharmacies, and workplaces, weren't part of that. I jokingly asked Jeff and Skylar if it was like the apoloypse in public and they told me how bare the streets were and the stores hardly had anyone in them. Which, to me, that's a good thing. Less people, less spread. Here are five things for this week.
1. Skylar's Permit.