We have had quite a week here at the SNS House, which is now been renamed "the thicket" by our son-The Bean-that goes by The Deer sometimes. His imagination is amazing! So here at "the thicket" we have been up to some fun and interesting things since summer is coming in slowly here in the valley. The Bean broke out his telescope a few nights ago and we took a look at the night sky for a few hours. Even though we live here around city lights we were able to see a few things, one major sight was Jupiter to the south of us. The Bean was naming constellations left and right to us and we were all just amazed at how clear some stars, moons, and planets were coming in. We had a few other adventures under our belts this week and so glad to see the sun making an appearance. Here are the things that made this week great!
1. This View.
As stated above, we viewed the night sky through the telescope and saw Jupiter and a lot of great constellations around us. Just a side note: There is an app you can get for your smart device (phone, tablet, etc.) that will allow you to view the sky and help pinpoint what's out there. It's called Skyview and it's free to download on iTunes and Google Play.
The images it gives are pretty detailed.
Jupiter and the Virgo.
2. This Trip.
We took a little side trip this week to do a little fishing once the lake was opened and restocked with trout. We didn't get a bite, but there were a lot of people that seemed to have the same idea we did. We did find us a hidden fishing location on the lake, but we all agreed that we would much rather fish the river in the future. Nonetheless, we had a good time enjoying the sunshine and getting out of town for a bit.
3. Summer Road Trips.
We have been kicking around the idea on whether to take a road trip down to San Francisco for birthdays this year, but when it comes right down to it, all three of us just don't really want to go. We are still trying to figure out where to take our big birthday trip, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, check out our hashtag #snsroadtrips to see where we've been and where we go in the future.
4. This Bike.
The Bean has had this for a few weeks and I have been neglecting to mention it. He finally got him a Raleigh bike and he is loving it. He leaves The Mr. and I in the dust when he flies by us. We are so glad he was able to get a new one before summer official hit. Can't wait to break this baby in on some trails soon. Just a heads up, too: The Mr. was struck by a car while we were riding a few days ago. He is healing fine, and after a quick hospital visit we found out that he has no broken bones (thank goodness). I wanted to share this just to bring attention to how dangerous it is for bicyclers on any type of roadway. The Mr. and I have decided to start a bike advocacy group in our town so we can bring awareness to the bicycling community about how important it is to always ride defensively. The Mr. has some bumps and bruises and is otherwise alright, but it could have been a lot worse. If you are an avid bicycler, like us, please always be on your guard no matter where you are. The car that hit The Mr. drove away and left him on the roadway. I think that part hurts us the most. So please be careful out there. If you are interested in joining our group, please check out the Facebook page here.
5. This Old Doggie.
The old man of the fur family will be getting himself a wagon soon so he can still come on long walks with us. The poor guy is 16-years-old and is starting to show signs of arthritis in his hips. He is so eager to go on walks, but about halfway he starts getting tired and needs to be carried. We think a wagon will be just what he needs. I will share soon.
Have a great weekend!
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